
A presentation of VLF-60 – a high-voltage VLF tester took place in Hong Kong.

In September 2020, KharkovEnergoPribor supplied three SWG-32 mobile cable test and fault location systems to ELTEL.

KharkovEnergoPribor Ltd. invites you to attend the main event of the Ukrainian energy industry – the XVII International Exhibition elcomUkraine 2020 which will be held 6-9 October at the KyivExpoPlaza Exhibition Center.

KEP renews ISO 9001:2015 certificate until 29 June 2023.

DENVER METROLOGÍA ELECTRÓNICA S.L. became the authorised representative of KharkovEnergoPribor Ltd. in Spain.

Despite the hard global situation caused by COVID-19 pandemic, KEP continues to ship products to the customers in six continents.

ESPECIALISTAS EN SUBESTACIONES EMS TESTING CIA became the authorised representative of KharkovEnergoPribor Ltd. in Ecuador.

Successful demonstration of the operation of the mobile cable test and fault location system SWG-12 and the multifunctional receiver P-900 to a consumer in Indonesia.

We are pleased to invite you to visit our booth at elcomUkraine which will be held on 6-9 Oсtober at KyivExpoPlaza.

Comulsa S.A.S. became the authorised representative of KharkovEnergoPribor Ltd. in Colombia.